- 你的月经怎么样? How are your menstrual periods?
- 你的月经准吗? D: Is you menstruation regular?
- 根据血液检查,说明你得的是缺铁性贫血,可能和你的月经过多有关。 According to the blood test, you are suffering from an iron deficiency anaemia, probably due to your heavy periods.
- 通常你的月经周期多长? How long is your period usually?
- 我们都很健康,没生过什么病,但是我的月经不准而且量很少。 P: We are both healthy and have had no disease before, but my periods are not regular and the bleeding is scanty.
- 在2007年特别是你的销售和产品目标是什么?怎么样把它分解为季度和月目标? What, specifically, are your sales and production goals for 2007? How does that break down into quarterly and monthly goals?
- 你的月经周期怎样? D: How about your menstrual cycle?
- 你的恶劣行径给整个学校带来耻辱。 Your bad behavior brings shame on the whole school.
- 请把你的旅行计划留下来,以便我们在遇到急事时和你取得联系 Leavesyour itinerary so that we can reach you in case of emergency
- 你的月经正常吗? D: Is your menstruation normal?
- 就职典礼进行顺利;你的接见进行得怎么样? The inauguration went well; how did your interview go?
- 你不该把那辆不安全的汽车卖掉,你的不端行为迟早会得到报应。 You should not have sold the car in that unsafe condition; sooner of later you misdeeds will come home to roost.
- 你的情况怎么样?” how are things, anyhow?"
- 作为一个教员你必须争取使你自己和你的学员都很优秀。 As a trainer you must strive for excellence both from yourself and your trainee.
- 你的室友怎么样? How do you like your roommate?
- 绝不要第一个离开办公室,看看你的同事到下班时的举动如何。 Never be the first one to leave. Observe how your co-workers behave around quitting time.
- 你的工作进行得怎么样? How goes it in your work?
- 你的工作怎么样? How's your job?
- 和你的私人医生商量一下,看看你是否应服用这种药物。 Check with your personal castor oil artist to see if you should be taking this medication.
- 你的学习怎么样了? How are your studies going?