- 你的意图究竟是什么? What is your intention ?
- 你的备降机场关闭了,你的意图究竟是什么? Your alternate field is closed, what's your intention?
- 累托兹太太,你这个老泼妇,你为你的钱叫苦连天,这究竟是什么意思! Mrs Letouzel,you cantankerous old bag,what do you mean,by complaining about your money.
- 我相信你的意图是维护我和我那宝贵得多的另一个自我的关系,而不是削弱这种关系。 I believe your intention is to perpetuate, and not to weaken, the ties between me and my other and far dearer self.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 你确切的意图是什么? What exactly are you driving at?
- 爱因斯坦:究竟是鸡过马路,或是马路过鸡,取决於你的叁考座标。 Albert Einstein: Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road crossed the chicken depends upon your frame of reference.
- 我有时理解不了你的意图。 I can not sense your meaning sometimes .
- 你的意思究竟是什么? What in the world do you mean?
- 你应该对我们以诚相待,把你的意图公开出来。 You should be frank with us and put your cards on the table.
- 对于中国现在干的究竟是什么事情,有些人还没有搞清楚。 Some people are still not clear what we are doing now in China.
- 你误使我对你的意图信以为真. You misled me as to your intentions
- 刹那之间又是那个不可名状的黑影,一闪而过,那究竟是个什么影子呢? What was the nameless shadow which again in that one instant had passed?
- 译:你的斩魂刀的刀柄是什么颜色的? What colour would your sword hilt be?
- 我可以做任何事,尽可能展现你的意图 I could do anything, to show how much you mean
- 那位白发男子仍然在煞费苦心,还在向他的下级助手讲解他所需要的究竟是什么呢。 The white-haired man was still trying to explain what he wanted to the junior assistant.
- 在写下你的意图后,列出你为实现此目标的各个步骤。 After you have written down your intent,list the steps you plan to take to fulfill it.
- 究竟是什么因素在推动澳门的发展呢?将来的澳门会是什么样子? What kind of factor ever promotes Marco development? What kind of appearance is Macao in future?
- 一根筋儿的人是不会理解你的意图的。 A one track-minded person will not understand? what you intend.
- 痤疮是什么?:认真对待摆脱你的痤疮 What Acne?: Serious Treatments to Get Rid of Your Acne