- 你的年收入是多少? How much is your annual income?
- 你估计的年收入是多少?(以美元计算) What is your total estimated annual income? (In USD)
- 你会被问及你所期望 的年收入是多少. you will be asked about your expected annual income.
- 您估计您的年收入是多少?(以美元计算) What is your total estimated annual income (in USD)?
- 你必须在税单上注明你的年收入。 You must show your annual earnings in the tax form.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 你是一个武士,你的师傅被暗杀了,一切都还是迷,这个谜需要你去解开。 Introduction: You are a warrior, you mentor was assassinated, or all the crowds, the mystery for you to solve.
- 去年你的工资一共是多少? What were your aggregate wages last year?
- 例如,可以让Analysis Services创建客户的年收入值组。 For example, you can have Analysis Services create groups of yearly income values for customers.
- 你的学费是多少? What are your tuition fees?
- 你的回答不是独树一帜就是错了。她不知道是该哭还是该笑 Your answer is either ingenious or wrong. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
- 你的恢复速率是多少? What is Your Recovery Rate?
- 你的音响是多少钱买的? How much did you pay for your stereo?
- 你是否想知道你的身体状况与实际年龄相比是显得年轻还是衰老? Would you like to know if your body is older or younger than it should be?
- 您的年收入大约是多少? What is your total estimated annual income?
- 你的飞行时数是多少? How many hours have you logged?
- 强盗要你的钱,不然就是你的命‘女人则既要你的钱又要你的命。 Brigands demand your money or your life; women require both.
- 你的座号是多少? What is your seat number?
- 他过去待你很坏,但是他还是你的哥哥,那么你应该帮助他。 He treated you badly;still,he is your brother and you ought to help him.