- 你的小弟弟学习怎么样?他的学习还不错。 How does your little brother study? He studies all right.
- 真丢脸,约翰,从你的小弟弟手里抢玩具! For shame,John,taking the toy from your baby brother!
- 你的学习怎么样了? How are your studies going?
- 你的学习怎么样? How are you getting on with your study?
- 不要再打你的小弟弟了。 Give over hitting your little brother.
- 就是借马车给我的后母,差一顶点儿就把她和我的小弟弟一起摔死的那个银行家。 While the rest of the company were discussing the approaching marriage of Mademoiselle Danglars, I was reding the paper to my grandfather
- 他说:“嗯,不错。我们必须设法让你的小茅屋安静些。 Hm. Yes. We must find a way to make your hut quiet.
- 他很关心他的小弟弟。 He is attentive to his little brother.
- 我的卧室比你的小。 My bedroom is smaller than yours.
- 把你的小胡子清理一下,怎么样? How about trimming your moustache?
- 他的小弟弟闻到那难闻的味皱起鼻子。 His little brother wrinkled up his nose at a nasty smell.
- 你想监视他呀,那他可要把你的名字记在他的小黑名单里。 You want to watch him. He'll have you down in his little black book.
- 我的小弟弟很乐于帮忙。 My little brother is a very cheerful helper.
- 你的小孩子是最彻底的民主主义者。 Your little child is your only true democrat.
- 他很乐于教他的小弟弟学习。 He takes great pleasure in teaching his little brother.
- 我们是你的小同学。 We are your small classmates.
- 比尔的小弟弟弄破了他的玩具鼓时,他觉得很高兴。 Bill thought it was good riddance when his little brother broke his toy drum.
- 你的小盘子里会有鱼儿一条。 You shall have a fishy In a little dishy
- 我的小弟弟直发脾气, 因为正在长牙。 My brother is fretful because he is cutting his teeth.
- 你的小男孩穿上新衣服显得十分逗人喜爱。 Your little boy looks very sweet in his new coat.