- 你的学习怎么样了? How are your studies going?
- 你的小弟弟学习怎么样?他的学习还不错。 How does your little brother study? He studies all right.
- 你的学习怎么样? How are you getting on with your study?
- 你的管家怎么样了?她叫什么来着?洁卡斯塔布莱特?她现在肯定在收拾行李了。 Alan Blunt: How's your housekeeper? What's the name? Jack Starbright? She must be packing right now.
- 老师给这个懒惰的小学生发了一份措辞严厉的学习报告单,希望借此使他勤奋起来。 The teacher gave the lazy pupil a severe report in the hope that it would shake him up.
- 有了良好的学习习惯,你的思考能力就自然会有所增强。 Ability to think will accrue to you from good habits of study.
- 过了一些时候,皇帝心想:“我想知道两个织工把我的布织得怎么样了。” After some time had passed, the Emperor said to himself, "I wonder how the weavers are getting along with my cloth."
- 你的妹妹怎么样了? What has come of your sister?
- 你的学习有显著进步。 There is a distinct improvement in your study.
- 你近来学习怎么样? How are you getting on with your study recently?
- 你是一个武士,你的师傅被暗杀了,一切都还是迷,这个谜需要你去解开。 Introduction: You are a warrior, you mentor was assassinated, or all the crowds, the mystery for you to solve.
- 你应该专心于你的学习。 You should concentrate on your study.
- 我们得去学习怎么样以趾尖站起来。 We must learn how to rise on our toes.
- 你的回答不是独树一帜就是错了。她不知道是该哭还是该笑 Your answer is either ingenious or wrong. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
- 你的学习进展如何? How are you getting on with your study?
- “现在,你觉得怎么样了,先生?”他含着谄媚的假笑问。 "How are you feeling now, sir?" he asked, with the subservient smirk.
- 怎样改进你的学习习惯 How to improve your study habits
- 你让运动干扰你的学习吗? Do you let sport interfere with your studies?
- 他们的后卫上来撞了你之后,你得到的那个罚球怎么样了? Jim: What happened with that free-throw you got after their guard came up from behind, and hit you?