- 你的婴儿有多重? How much does your baby weigh?
- 这个婴儿有多重? How much does the baby weigh?
- 你的角色有多重? How much does your character weigh?
- 你是否想要自己的婴儿有一双蓝色的眼睛,一头棕色、金色或黑色的头发呢? Do you want your baby to have blue eyes or brown, blond hair or dark?
- 上帝不会问你的房子有多大,他会问你邀请过多少人来到你家里. God won't ask the square footage of your house, He'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home.
- 比麻疹程度轻但对三个月以下的婴儿有伤害。 milder than measles but damaging to the fetus during the first trimester.
- 你的随身听有多重? How much does your Walkman weigh?
- 比麻疹程度轻,但对三个月以下的婴儿有伤害 milder than measles but damaging to the fetus during the first trimester
- 未出生的婴儿有可能因其母亲而受到感染。 An unborn baby can be infected by the mother.
- 你的书包有多重? How heavy is your schoolbag?
- 让你的婴儿坐在地上,用坐垫撑着他。 Let your baby sit on the floor with cushions to support him.
- 虽然她的婴儿有病,她还是脱身离去出席一个重要会议。 Though her baby was unwell, she managed to pull away from him to attend an important meeting.
- 你的飞机有多重? How much does your airplane weigh?
- 你的驾龄有多长? How long have you been driving?
- “你打算在这无辜的婴儿身上发泄你的仇恨吗?” "Wouldst thou avenge thyself on the innocent babe?"
- 那个盒子有多重? How much does that box weigh?
- 他施人因你多有各类的财物,就作你的客商,拿银、铁、锡、铅兑换你的货物。 Tarshish did business with you because of your great wealth of goods; they exchanged silver, iron, tin and lead for your merchandise.
- 我们提倡母乳育婴,因母乳是你的婴儿之最佳食物。 We uphold breastfeeding as breastmilk is the best food for your baby.
- 要是人家发现你现在干的这件事,我可不愿设想你得有多倒霉。 I wouldn't like to be in your shoes if they find out what you're doing.
- "你打算在这无辜的婴儿身上发泄你的仇恨吗?"她悄声说。 "Wouldst thou avenge thyself on the innocent babe?"" whispered she."