- 你的婚礼是由谁主持的? Who officiated at your wedding?
- 他不在场时,将由谁主持播放他的节目(如电视节目)? Who will present his show (eg on television) while he's away?
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 每一项工作都是那个人的自画像,以工作的品质来写你的自传吧。 Every job is a self - portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with guality.
- 原子虽小,但它们是由更小的称为亚原子粒的单位组成的。 Small as they are, atom is made up of still smaller unit know as subatomic particle.
- 倘若你的美好祝愿能在将来实现一半,我们就是相当幸福的一对了! If the future holds only half the fine things you hope for us,we'll be lucky indeed!
- (日本银行主持的)季度短观调查报告 Tankan survey
- "别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。" "Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him."
- [谚]人生是由琐碎的事物构成的。 Life is made up of little things.
- 6点钟准时举行鸡尾酒会,随之在8点钟举行正式的晚宴。 Cocktails will be served promptly at six to be followed by dinner at eight.
- "你终于来了," 他说,打断了她的解释,"别找理由了,去照顾客人吧。" "Since you are here at last, " he said, interrupting her explanation, "never mind the excuses--start serving the customers."
- "... 我要用利剑一样的话刺痛她的心,但决不是真用利剑 ... " "... I will speak daggers to her, but use none ... " (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
- 你的情况怎么样?” how are things, anyhow?"
- 我仍然需要你的爱. that i still need ur love.
- "你砸坏的锁得花七镑去换一个新的。" "去你妈的!" 我对他伸了伸两个指头说道。 "And there'll be seven pounds for replacing the lock you broke." "Up yours!" I said, giving him two fingers.
- 《Home,SweetHome》这首歌一定是由一位独身汉作的。 "Home, Sweet Home" must surely have been written by a bachelor.
- 你要是回家晚了,你妈会牵挂你的。 If you're late, your mother will worry for you.
- "确实是的,也许我应该更仔细估算一下旅行费用然后再决定。" "There is that, indeed. Perhaps I should cost my trip more carefully before deciding."
- 如果你不还债,你的财产将被扣押。 If you do not pay your debt, your property will be detained.
- "把雨衣带好,天好像要下雨。" "下雨又有什么关系?我又不是纸做的。" "Take you mac. It looks as if it's going to rain." "What if it does? I'm not made of paper."