- 我可以给你打电话吗?玛尔塔:当然可以。米盖尔:你的电话号码是多少?玛尔塔 May I call you some day? Marta: Of course. Miguel: What's your telephone number?
- 你找到布朗先生的分机号码吗? Do you know Mr Brown's extension number?
- 很遗憾,你的分机号码没拨对。请稍候,我把电话转给赵先生。 I'm sorry you have the wrong extension. Hold on the line and I'll transfer you to Mr. Zhao.
- 当然可以。打外线时先拨9,然后再拨电话号码。如果是和公司里的人通话只要拨他们的分机号码就行了。 Dial 9 for an outside line, and then the number you are calling. If you want to contact anyone in the office, just dial their extension.
- 你的护照号码是多少? What was your passport number?
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 接线员:您要打的分机号是多少? What's the extension number?
- 你的汽车驾照号码是多少? What's your car licence number?
- 你是一个武士,你的师傅被暗杀了,一切都还是迷,这个谜需要你去解开。 Introduction: You are a warrior, you mentor was assassinated, or all the crowds, the mystery for you to solve.
- 分机号码 4299 Ext. 4299
- 去年你的工资一共是多少? What were your aggregate wages last year?
- 房间的分机号码和房号刚好相同。 The extension number is just the same as your room number.
- 你的回答不是独树一帜就是错了。她不知道是该哭还是该笑 Your answer is either ingenious or wrong. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
- 你的恢复速率是多少? What is Your Recovery Rate?
- 你能不能把他办公室分机号码告诉我? Can you give me his office extension number?
- 你的年收入是多少? How much is your annual income?
- 你的订单号码是什么? What's you voucher number?
- 你是否想知道你的身体状况与实际年龄相比是显得年轻还是衰老? Would you like to know if your body is older or younger than it should be?
- 感谢你打电话到ABC来,如果你知道你要找的人的姓或是分机号码,请按1, Thanks for calling ABC corporation, if you know your party's last name or extention, press 1.
- 你的音响是多少钱买的? How much did you pay for your stereo?