- 你病了有多久了? How long have you been ill?
- 你玩这个有游戏有多久了?(玩了几年了?几个月了) How long have you been working on this game?
- 丙:没有,但是我很希望有一天能去,你到这里来有多久了? C: No, but I'd like to go someday. How long have you been here?
- 现在,首先我想知道详细的病史。你病了多久了? Now, first of all, I would like to have a detailed history. How long have you felt sick?
- 在汽车旅馆,如果你病了,你可以叫旅馆医生。 In the motel,if you fall ill,you can call for the motel doctor.
- 但这对夫妇计划实施这场骗局有多久了?没有这么多婴儿,他们将如何应对? But for how long did the couple plan to perpetuate their lie and how did they expect to do it without the babies?
- 当你病了或者压力过大而疲惫不堪时,一夜无眠是很自然的。 It's natural to have sleepless nights when you're stressed-out or ill.
- 熨烫踢足球时候穿的衣服,你病了吗? Isn't it strange to press a football jersey?
- 马克写新书有多久了? How long has Mark been occupied in writing his new book?
- 我希望你不久能够完成。上帝知道你已经工作昨足够久了。 I hope you will soon be finished. Christ knows you've been working long enough.
- 我们一听说你病了,欢乐的气氛一扫而光。 It took all the fun out of the occasion when we heard that you were ill.
- 也不知有多久了,我一直哪儿也没去。 I haven't been out anywhere since I don't know how long.
- 如果你病好了,我们还是可以做,直到你厌烦。 If you're cured, then we'll do it until you say no.
- 有多久了? How long have you been feeling like this?
- 你病了这么久,我深感难过。 I'm sorry that you have been ill for a long time .
- 他任职有多久了? How long has he held office?
- 如果你看见一个医生从某家出来,你就可以推知这家有人病了。 If you see a doctor leaving a house, you may deduce (the fact) that someone in the house is ill.
- 这样有多久了? How long has it been this way?
- 如果你看见一个医生从某一家出来,你就可以推知这家有人病了。 If you see a doctor leaving a house, you may deduce that someone in the house is ill.
- 她上网有多久了? How long did she surf the internet?