- 你用电做饭吗? Do you use electricity for cooking?
- 我们房子已装好电线,我们可以用电做饭了。 Our house has recently been wired up,so we can cook by electricity now.
- 请你用针把纸钉住,不让它吹走好吗? Will you pin the paper down so it won't be blown away?
- 你得做饭吗? Did you have to do the cooking?
- 你用这把锋利的刀子必须很小心。 You must be very careful with this sharp knife.
- 你的妈妈在做饭吗? Is your mother cooking?
- 我们把自行车的灯关了,以节省电池的用电。 We turned the bicycle lights off to conserve the batteries.
- 用来 be used for
- 妈妈出去了,你能过来给我做饭吗? Mom is out.Can you come over and cook for me?
- 你用热熨斗一烫就把刺绣图样转印到布上。 You transfer the embroidery design from the paper to cloth by pressing it with a warm iron.
- 再用 reoccupy
- "你经常去那里吗?" "一月一次。" "How often do you go there?" "Once a month."
- 你用螺丝刀把螺丝拧几圈。 You turn the screws round and round with a screwdriver.
- 主用电故障 The main electric power fails
- 你用了几轴线? How many spools of thread did you use?
- 村民用电 Village consumer
- 这儿你可以用斜线号。 You can use a slash here.
- 用电监控技术 technique of power consumption monitor
- 你用了这星期给你定量的汽油了吗? Have you used your ration of petrol for this week?
- “我十分感激你的帮助。”“哦,没啥,不用谢。” I'm most grateful to you for your help. "Oh, it's nothing, forget it."