- 你现在在煮什么? What are you fixing right now?
- 你的简历上说,你现在在童乐玩具开发公司工作,那你在那儿的主要职责是什么呢? Your resume says that you are now with Tongle Toy development Company. What's your chief responsibility there?
- 你在煮什么?一闻到就使我垂涎三尺。 Mmmm. What are you cooking? Just smelling it makes my mouth water.
- 嗯..好香哦,你在煮什么? Mm...Nice smell.What are you cooking?
- 你现在在哪里? Where are you now?
- 她在煮什么东西呢,闻起来不错。 She is cooking something that smells great.
- 喂,为何你不把它丢在你的兵营?你现在在集中营兵营2。 HI there. Why don't you drop that bag off In your barracks? You're In POW barrack 2.
- 我想你现在在称赞这个比喻了。 I conceive you to be now commending the similes.
- 无论我给孩子煮什么东西他都不肯吃,我真不知道该怎么办才好。 The child refused to eat anything I cooked for him and I was driven to my wit's end.
- 你现在在哪寄宿? Where are you lodging now?
- 无论我煮什么东西Zoe都不吃。 I can't get Zoe to eat anything I make.
- 你现在在哪里,伯纳德? Where are you now, Bernard?
- 你现在在家工作吗? Are you working from home now?
- 你应该知道该煮什么来吃。 You should know what to cook to eat.
- 我还知道你现在在洛阳。 I also know you are now in Luoyang.
- 不过我从未听师父抱怨过她的饮食,我们煮什么,她就吃什么。 Yet, I never heard a word of complaint from Her regarding the food; She just ate whatever we cooked.
- 你现在的地位不同了--财产已在你周围建立起一道屏障。 You're at present on a different footing-property erects a kind of barrier.
- 我是忘你现在在长沙我抱歉。 OH.I am forget you are in changsha now.I am sorry.
- 你现在在中国,必须要入乡随俗。 You are in China you will do in Rome as the Romans do.
- 请稍等,哦,很抱歉,他现在在接另一个电话,你介意等一会吗? B: Hold on, please.I'm sorry, but he's on another line now.Would you care to hold?