- 你没什么问题吧? Do you feel all right?
- 如果你没什么问题了,我认为可以让这位证人退席了。 Unless you have any further questions for him,I think this witness may stand down.
- 你没什么大问题。 There's nothing much wrong with you.
- 没 not
- 你没什么不应该的。 No reason why you shouldn't.
- 安德森先生,你不介意我为我们的杂志问你几个问题吧? I wonder if you'd mind answering a few questions, Mr. Anderson, for our magazine.
- 在航游中有点风浪,但一旦我习惯于坐船旅行我就没什么问题了。 It was a bit choppy on the cruise but I was all right once I found my sea legs.
- 让我们概括地回答这个问题吧,我们没时间考虑所有的细节。 Let's answer the question in general; we haven't time to consider all the niceties.
- 你没什么可担心的。 You have nothing to worry about.
- 你在台北停留期间如果有什么问题,我将乐意帮忙。 I shall be happy to help you if you have any problem during your stay in Taipei.
- 你没晕吧? How hammered are you?
- 你没什么好责备自己的。 You have nothing to reproach yourself with.
- 如果我还有什么问题没有回答你的话,请原谅。 Please excuse me if I have left any of your questions unanswered.
- 放心吧。这根本没什么。 Relax. It's nothing at all.
- 喂,你没挂断吧? Hello, are you still here?
- 你没受伤,是吧? You are not hurt, are you?
- 没什么问题 have no problem
- 小家伙,你没伤着自己吧? You didn't hurt your little self, did you?
- 她还没来,准出了什么问题。 Something must be wrong that she hasn't turned up.
- 你没拿我的眼镜吧? Don't you have my glasses?