- 你正在看书吗? Are you reading a book?
- 你正在看书吗? Are you reading a book?
- 正在 in the process of (doing something or happening)
- 这小男孩正在看书,但书中没有插图,所以,不久他就觉得乏味了。 The little boy was reading, but the book had no pictures and soon palled on him.
- 如果你正在看这篇文章,那么,极有可能你已经在这旅程上。 And if you are reading this article, then it is most probable that you are already on this journey.
- 我正在写一篇语言方面的论文。我需要一些资料。你知道什么相关的书吗? I'm writing a research paper on linguistics. I need some materials. Do you know of any relevant books?
- 她的父亲每天都看书吗? Does her father read the book every day?
- 如果你正在想着某人,然后他就给你打电话了,那么你可能更擅长于发送感应。 If you think of a person,and they call you,you are most likely better at sending.
- 劳丽:你喜欢看书吗? Laurie: Do you like reading ?
- 我跳上床,你正在那等我 I jump into the bed, you're there already waiting for me
- 想象一下你正在伦敦吧. Imagine that you are in London.
- 与音乐相比你更愿意看书吗? Would you rather read than listen to music?
- 当小女孩意识到我们正在看着她画图时,她脸红起来了。 The little girl colored up when she realized that we were watching her drawing.
- 你正在学哪一段历史? Which period of history are you studying?
- 当我进入一间茶室时,发现两个年轻的人正在看电视上的摔跤比赛。 As I enter a tearoom, I find two young men watching a wrestling match on television.
- 你正在创造新的矩阵。 You are creating the new matrix.
- 卡洛,你上次英语考试考得很好。卡洛:老师,多谢您夸奖。您知道吗,我所有的时间都在看书呢。 Teacher: You did very well in the last English test, Carlo. Carlo: Thank you, sir. You know, I read all the time.
- 想像一下你正在伦敦吧。 Imagine that you are in London.
- 我来的那个时候,您正在那儿起草极重要的公诉书吗?” Have I arrived at the moment when you were drawing up an indictment for a capital crime?"
- 蒂娜正在图书馆看书。 Tina is studying at the library.