- 你有餐具柜的钥匙吗? Have you got the key of the sideboard on you?
- 你有你车的钥匙吗?-为什么?豪华汽车有什么问题? You got the keys to your car? - Why, what's wrong with the limo?
- 你有开这门的钥匙吗? Do you have a key to open the door with?
- 你有开门的钥匙吗? Have you got a key to unlock the door?
- 我倒很愿意去。你有什么办法可以让我的老板给我假期吗? I'd love to. Do you have any ideas on how I can ask my boss for a vacation?
- 我们想知道你有没有相反的意见要说。 We wish to know if you have anything to say in opposition.
- 这是你的钥匙吗? Be this your key?
- 他一口咬定事故发生的时候,他没有和你在一起,对此,你有什么可说的? He alleges that he was not with you at the time the accident occurred. What do you say to that?
- 你认为我就是破解那个密码的钥匙吗? Do you think I'm the key to solve this mystery?
- 你有没有看格林被提名为总统候选人的大标题? Did you scan the headline Green Slated for the Presidency?
- 你有什么证据证明这辆自行车是你的? Have you got any proof that you own this bike?
- 你有必要去那里吗? Is there any need for you to go there?
- 你有没有听到谋杀案审判的最新情况? Have you heard of the latest development in the murder trial?
- 你在什麽地方见到我的钥匙了吗? Have you seen my keys floating about (anywhere)?
- 你有没有看到有关股票市场的那则短讯? Did you see the paragraph about the stock market?
- 你有资格加入这俱乐部吗? Are you eligible to join this club?
- 我和你有同感,他的演技简直好极了。 I agree with you that his acting is simply marvelous.
- 她拿了他的钥匙就走了,你看这胆子有多大。 She just took his keys and walked out with them, cool as you please.
- 你有会员卡吗? Do you have a membership card?
- 你没有哭表示出你有很强的自制力。 You showed great restraint in not crying.