- 你有火焰投射器? You have a flame thrower?
- 好,最好下面真的没有怪物!我可不愿意用我的火焰投射器烧伤哪一个! Well, there'd better not be! I'd hate to have to torch one with my flame thrower!
- 火焰投射器 flame thrower
- 我们想知道你有没有相反的意见要说。 We wish to know if you have anything to say in opposition.
- 21他的气点著煤炭、有火焰从他口中发出。 His breath sets coals ablaze, and flames dart from his mouth.
- 你有没有看格林被提名为总统候选人的大标题? Did you scan the headline Green Slated for the Presidency?
- 你有什么证据证明这辆自行车是你的? Have you got any proof that you own this bike?
- 他们削掉树皮使标痕明显;马在它的眼睛之间有火焰的形状。 They chipped off bark to mark the trail with blazes; the horse had a blaze between its eyes.
- 那么你怎样知道一个灯光投射器的距离值呢? Do you know the distance to a light emitter?
- 炼金炉里红红的火焰投射出怪异的影子,炼金术士们用来加热和盛放丹药的奇形怪状的玻璃器皿,也在火光烛影下跳跃着令人毛骨悚然的光亮。 The red light of the fires in the alchemists' furnaces cast weird shadows and made eerie gleams dance on the odd shaped glassware in which the gold cooks heated and stored their brews.
- 你有没有听到谋杀案审判的最新情况? Have you heard of the latest development in the murder trial?
- 散发出光和热并伴有火焰的迅速的、持续的化学变化,尤指易燃物质放热的氧化作用 a rapid,persistent chemical change that releases heat and light and is accompanied by flame,especially the exothermic oxidation of a combustible substance
- 你有没有看到有关股票市场的那则短讯? Did you see the paragraph about the stock market?
- 火:散发出光和热并伴有火焰的迅速的、持续的化学变化,尤指易燃物质放热的氧化作用。 A rapid, persistent chemical change that releases heat and light and is accompanied by flame, especially the exothermic oxidation of a combustible substance.
- 我们一定要查明这件事的真相。你有线索吗? We must try to get to the bottom of it. Do you have any clues yet?
- 28因为有火从希实本发出,有火焰出于西宏的城,烧尽摩押的亚珥和亚嫩河邱坛的祭司(祭司原文作主)。 For there is a fire gone out of Heshbon, a flame from the city of Sihon: it hath consumed Ar of Moab, and the lords of the high places of Arnon.
- 我和你有同感,他的演技简直好极了。 I agree with you that his acting is simply marvelous.
- 你没有哭表示出你有很强的自制力。 You showed great restraint in not crying.
- 在作出判决之前你有什么要对法庭说吗? Have you anything to say to the court before judgment is passed?
- 你通常都做些什么娱乐活动?你有什么爱好吗? What do you do for recreation? Do you have a hobby?