- 你有有效证件吗? Do you have efficacious certificates?
- 你有有效的身份证件吗? A: Do you have valid ID?
- 你有证件吗? What have you to justify your identity?
- 在你的项目中是否有有效的同行评审? Have the peer reviews on your project been effective?
- 你有任何证件吗? Do you have any identification?
- 该公司有有效的设计更改控制程序吗? Des the company have an effective design change control procedure in place?
- 若要经济,就要有有效的溶剂回收工序。 To be economical these processes will require efficient solvent recovery operations.
- 若要经济,就要有有效的溶剂回收工序。 To be economical these processes will require efficient solvent recovery operations.
- 那项要求很有意思,可是你有证件加以证明吗? That's a very interesting claim, but can you document it?
- 您有有效的驾驶执照吗? Do you have a valid license?
- 我们一定要查明这件事的真相。你有线索吗? We must try to get to the bottom of it. Do you have any clues yet?
- 你们有有效工具去干那活吗? Have you got powerful tools to do the work?
- 在作出判决之前你有什么要对法庭说吗? Have you anything to say to the court before judgment is passed?
- 你通常都做些什么娱乐活动?你有什么爱好吗? What do you do for recreation? Do you have a hobby?
- 你有证据表明你当时不在犯罪现场吗? Do you have any proof to substantiate your alibi?
- 你有一点儿时间检查一下这些样品吗? Do you have a few minutes to look these samples over?
- 你有很多供火车旅行时阅读的读物吗? Have you a good supply of reading matter for the train journey?
- 你有什么意见或建议给那些刚进入大公司的新人们吗? Would you give some advice or suggestions for the freshman who wants to enter a top company?
- 您认为你有能力把这小说改编成电影吗? Do you consider it within your capacity to adapt the story for the screen ?
- 我现在没有什么主意,你有什么建议吗? I have no idea at this moment. Do you have any suggestions?