- 这个星期天你有时间吗?我想邀请你去看时装表演。 Are you free this Sunday? I want to invite you to a fashion show.
- 你现在能帮我吗? 你有时间吗? Can you help me now? Have you got time?
- 莱恩,你有时间吗? Ryan, do you have a minute?
- 如果你有时间,明天过来和我们一起去,好吗? If you are free, will you come and join us tomorrow?
- 你有没有时间? Have you time?
- 你有时间吗? Do you have time?
- 如果你有时间,我希望你再待一些时候。 I should like you to stay a bit if you have time.
- 你有没有时间浏览一下这份报告? Have you got time for a glance at this report?
- 你有没有时间? Have you time?
- 我们一定要查明这件事的真相。你有线索吗? We must try to get to the bottom of it. Do you have any clues yet?
- 这一周您有时间吗? Would sometime this week be convenient for you?
- 在作出判决之前你有什么要对法庭说吗? Have you anything to say to the court before judgment is passed?
- 徒步旅行可以使你有时间思考。 Hiking gives you time to think.
- 你有时间没有? Do you have any time?
- 你通常都做些什么娱乐活动?你有什么爱好吗? What do you do for recreation? Do you have a hobby?
- 经济情况如何/有时间吗? how are you fixed for money/time?
- 如果你有时间,翻翻词典是值得的。 It will pay to read a dictionary if you have time.
- 有时间吗?我想跟您谈谈。 Do you have a moment please, I need to talk to you?
- 你有证据表明你当时不在犯罪现场吗? Do you have any proof to substantiate your alibi?
- 莫: 星期三上午您有时间吗? Would Wednesday morning be convenient?