- 你有教学经验吗? Have you had any experience in teaching?
- 还有空缺,请问你有做售货员的经验吗? Yes, but do you have any experience as a shop assistant?
- 这位申请者有教学经验,更重要的是,也有企业工作的经验。 The applicant has experience in teaching and, more relevantly, in industry.
- 史密斯夫人很有教学经验,她将在春天来和我们一道工作。 Mrs Smith,who has a lot of teach experience,will join us in the spring.
- 你有做导游的实际工作经验吗?Replies of the applicant应试人回答 Have you any actual experience as a tourist guide?
- 有教学经验的 experienced in teaching
- 你在中国有教学经历吗? Do you have any teach experience back in china?
- 你有处理文书的经验吗? Have you ever done any correspondence work?
- 特纳夫人很有教学经验。 Mrs. Turner is experienced in teaching.
- 我们一定要查明这件事的真相。你有线索吗? We must try to get to the bottom of it. Do you have any clues yet?
- 你有开车的经验吗? Do you have any experience of driving a car?
- 教学主管最好有教学和管理经验 For senior faculty, preferably in teaching and management
- 在作出判决之前你有什么要对法庭说吗? Have you anything to say to the court before judgment is passed?
- 你通常都做些什么娱乐活动?你有什么爱好吗? What do you do for recreation? Do you have a hobby?
- 这个工作的条件之一是要有教学的经验。 Teaching experience is one of the qualifications for this job.
- 你有编排版面大样的经验吗? Have you had experience in mocking up a page?
- 你有证据表明你当时不在犯罪现场吗? Do you have any proof to substantiate your alibi?
- 你有实际的经验吗? D0 you have any actual experience?
- 你有一点儿时间检查一下这些样品吗? Do you have a few minutes to look these samples over?
- 你有任何教学生的实际经验吗? Have you had any practice in teaching students?