- 显示多少你有多少现金存在你的银行账户里。 Balance - Shows you how much cash you have in your bank account.
- 你有多少现金? How are you fixed for cash?
- 有多少现金? How much cash do you ahve? Or how much do you have in cash?
- 请把这张表填一下,登记一下你有多少外币。 Please fill in this form,just to make a record of any foreign currency you have.
- 克拉伦斯,你想过你有多少可乐在这里吗? Dick Ritchie: Clarence, do you have any idea how much coke you have here?
- 你带了多少现金? How much are you bringing in?
- 你有多少天假? How much holiday are you allowed?
- 您带了多少现金? How much cash are you carrying?
- 你有没有什么东西要申报?珠宝或现金? Do you have anything to declare, jewelry or cash?
- 你有多少零钱? How much have you got in change?
- 随身携带多少现金? How much cash do you have with you?
- 你有多少钱要存入呢? How much cash do you plan to deposit in your account?
- 今天你想存入多少现金? How much cash do you plan to deposit in your accounts today?
- 你有一百万美元的现金藏在佛罗里达州某个地方。 You've got a million dollars in cash stashed away somewhere in Florida.
- 眼下你有多少钱? How are you off for money at the moment?
- 你有发票的话,我可以把现金退还给你。 If you have the receipt, I can give you a cash refund.
- 你有多少条裙子? How many skirts do you have?
- 你有多少苹果? How many apples do you have?
- 你能否告诉我这个蜂巢里有多少蜜蜂? Can you tell me how many bees there are in the hive?
- 你有多少肉? How much meat do you have?