- 你有多少个表姐妹?简:让我想想,噢,有十个。 Eddy: How many cousins do you have?
- 你有多少个手提行李袋? How many pieces of hand baggage do you have?
- 无论你有多少个梦想,但愿能梦想成真;无论你许下什么心愿,但愿能心想事成。祝你生日快乐! Whatever dreams you're dreaming, may each one of them come true; whaterever plans you're making, may they all work out for you. Happy Birthday!
- 无论你有多少钱,如果你太浪费总会花光的。 No matter how much money you have,you'll here none at last if you squander the money away.
- 有多少个站才到购物中心呢? How many bus stops are there before the shopping mall?
- 我们想知道你有没有相反的意见要说。 We wish to know if you have anything to say in opposition.
- 你有多少家庭作业? How much homework do you get?
- 你有多少本书? How many books do you have?
- 你有没有看格林被提名为总统候选人的大标题? Did you scan the headline Green Slated for the Presidency?
- 有多少个窗户? How many windows are there?
- 你有什么证据证明这辆自行车是你的? Have you got any proof that you own this bike?
- 一千有多少个一百? How many hundreds are there in thousand?
- 你有没有听到谋杀案审判的最新情况? Have you heard of the latest development in the murder trial?
- 你有几个孩子? How many children do you have?
- 约翰在幕后做了大量的工作,人们并不了解俱乐部的成就有多少归于他。 John does a lot of work behind the scenes. People do not realize how much of the club's success is due to him.
- 一英寸有多少个孔? How many meshes to the inch?
- 你有没有看到有关股票市场的那则短讯? Did you see the paragraph about the stock market?
- 我们一定要查明这件事的真相。你有线索吗? We must try to get to the bottom of it. Do you have any clues yet?
- 我们有多少个贮水池? How many storage reservoirs do we have?
- 保罗做他们的领袖有多少年只有天知道。 Paul was the leader for the Lord knows how many years.