- 你有几群羊? How many groups of sheep do you have?
- 你的病人可以让你有几小时空闲的时间吗? Could your patients spare you for a few hours?
- 几群孩子在房子周围奔跑。 Hordes of children were running round the building.
- 你有几年的市场调查/出口/品管经验? How many years'experience do you have in market in vesting/export/quality control?
- 他养了一群羊。 He keeps a flock of sheep.
- 别的学校的几群儿童 hordes of children from other schools
- 你有几个孩子和你交多少税没有关系。 How many kids you have has no bearing on how much tax you pay.
- "这群羊正朝那座房子跑去,但我们使他们改朝田野前进。" "The herd of sheep were running towards the house, but we headed them towards the field?"
- 你有几个兄弟? How many brothers do you have?
- 我们想知道你有没有相反的意见要说。 We wish to know if you have anything to say in opposition.
- 你有几瓶酒? How many bottles of liquor do you have?
- 你有没有看格林被提名为总统候选人的大标题? Did you scan the headline Green Slated for the Presidency?
- 你有几个人? How many people do you have, please?
- 你有什么证据证明这辆自行车是你的? Have you got any proof that you own this bike?
- 他的新工作有几个好处,其中之一是薪水高。 His new job has several pluses, one of which is a large salary.
- 你有没有听到谋杀案审判的最新情况? Have you heard of the latest development in the murder trial?
- 你有几个婶婶? How many aunts have you got?
- 有几种牡蛎可食用,有几种可产珍珠。 Some kinds of oyster are used as food, and others yield pearls.
- 你有没有看到有关股票市场的那则短讯? Did you see the paragraph about the stock market?
- 你有几支圆珠笔? How many ball-point pens have you get?