- 你有几块肥皂? How many cakes of soap have you got?
- 你的病人可以让你有几小时空闲的时间吗? Could your patients spare you for a few hours?
- 不用。哦,等一下,请拿几块肥皂来。 No,nothing oh,just a minute,I'd like some soap too,please.
- 你有几年的市场调查/出口/品管经验? How many years'experience do you have in market in vesting/export/quality control?
- 他呼吸很困难,一张脸看上去非常消瘦,苍白,隐隐有几块红斑。 He breathed with difficulty and looked terribly frail, white, with faint red discolorations.
- 你有几双鞋? How many pairs of shoes do you have?
- 比较一下这两块肥皂,告诉我你认为哪块更好些。 Compare this two soaps and tell me which one you think is best.
- 有几分 kind of
- 你有几个兄弟? How many brothers do you have?
- 等一下,请拿几块肥皂来。 Just a minute,I'd like some soap,please.
- "神圣的废物,你有这样一块苍白的脸呢!" "holy crap! what a pale face u have!"
- 有几块农田被淹没了。 Several farms were overflown.
- 你有几个球拍。 How many racket do you have?
- 你有一块地皮在河那一边,正是我所需要的。 You have a piece of land on the other side of the river that I need.
- 这块肥皂大约够用几星期。 This cake of soap will last you about several weeks.
- 你有几件行李? How many articles of baggage do you have?
- 你有几瓶酒? How many bottles of liquor do you have?
- 如果你有块比头还大的Kit Kat巧克力的话。 If you had a Kit Kat growing out of your head.
- 不用。哦,... 等一下,请拿几块肥皂来。 No, nothing oh, just a minute, I'd like some soap too, please.
- 你有几个人? How many people do you have, please?