- “我需要你提出高明的看法,彼得,”他对我说,“看看你有何高见。” "I need one of your bright ideas, Peter," he told me, "see what you can do."
- 你有何高见?你是有创见的人。 Do you have any ideas? You're the creative one.
- 你有何高见? What is your brilliant idea?
- 你对现在的独生子女的教育有何高见啊? What is your own view about the education of single-child?
- 对于在中国普及BCL活动,您有何高见? Do you have any suggestion about popularizing BCL activities in China?
- 我们想知道你有没有相反的意见要说。 We wish to know if you have anything to say in opposition.
- 你对这一题目有何高见? What are your views on the subject?
- 你有何不满? Any complaints?
- 你对这一问题有何高见? What are your views on the subject?
- “你有什么高见?”惠普问得彬彬有礼。 "What do you propose?" Whip asked politely
- 你有何辩护? How do you plead?(= said by the judge at the start of the trial)
- 关于新税法你有何见解? What is your position on the new taxes?
- 有何高见? What do you think about it?
- 假如你有工作经验,那么你从事过何种与你现在要找的工作有关的工作? What work experience,if any,have you had that related your job objectives?
- 新的一年你有何打算? What are your plans for the new year?
- “你对哈姆莱特有何高见?” -- What is your idea of hamlet?
- 告诉我你有何打算。 Tell me what you are driving at?
- 这件事与你有何相干? What has this to do with you?
- 我想知道您对此事有何高见。 I'd like to have your views on this issue.
- 今年的国庆节你有何打算? What is your plan for the National Day holiday this year?