- 你曾经去过英国吗? Have you ever been to England?
- 你曾经去过日本吗? Did you go Japan once?
- 你曾经去过欧洲吗? Have you ever been to Europe?
- 你曾经去过澳大利亚吗? Have you ever been to Australia?
- 你了解英国吗? What do you know about Britain?
- 我到过英国吗? Have I been to England ?
- 不要虚度光阴,从而忘记你曾经去过哪里,而且忘记你要去哪里。 Don't run through life so fast that you forget not only wherer you've been, but also where you are going.
- 有人向你介绍过英国吗? Is there anyone who tell you something about UK to you?
- 大意是:可以把你的东西寄到英国吗?邮资是多少以及支付方法? Toptophhh: Do you send items to UK? How much is the postage? And what is payment method?
- 你曾经去过海边感受完美的海浪么? Have you ever been to the seashore to see the splendid waves?
- 有的,我们曾经去过玉山,发现那里真是令人心惊肉跳。 Yes. We've been to Mt. Jade and found it absolutely breath-taking.
- 你曾经想过从事保险这一行业吗? Have you ever thought about a career in the insurance profession?
- 他隐瞒了他曾经去过欧洲的事实。 He hid the fact that he had gone to Europe.
- 你曾经被英国驱逐出境过吗? Have you ever been deported, removed, or otherwise required to leave the UK?
- 这些人曾经去过法国。 Those people have been in France.
- 你曾经单独飞行过吗? Have you ever flown solo?
- 我曾经去过三次意大利。 I have been to Italy three times.
- 你去过北京吗? Have you ever been to Beijing?
- 你曾经到过北京吗? Have you ever been toBeijing?
- 最后我想起他曾经去过那。 At last I recollected that he had been there.