- 你曾经去过欧洲吗? Have you ever been to Europe?
- 你曾经去过日本吗? Did you go Japan once?
- 他隐瞒了他曾经去过欧洲的事实。 He hid the fact that he had gone to Europe.
- 你曾经去过澳大利亚吗? Have you ever been to Australia?
- 你以前去过欧洲吗? Have you ever been to Europe before?
- 不要虚度光阴,从而忘记你曾经去过哪里,而且忘记你要去哪里。 Don't run through life so fast that you forget not only wherer you've been, but also where you are going.
- 去过 been
- 你曾经想过从事保险这一行业吗? Have you ever thought about a career in the insurance profession?
- 我从没去过欧洲。 I have never been to Europe.
- 据说李郝去过欧洲。 It is said that Li Hao has been to Europe.
- 你曾经单独飞行过吗? Have you ever flown solo?
- 我想您去过欧洲吧。 I expect you have been to Europe.
- 你曾经到过北京吗? Have you ever been toBeijing?
- 珍妮:你曾经喂过那里的猴子吗? Jane: Have you ever fed the monkeys there?
- 我去过挪威和西班牙; 但我还没有出过欧洲。 I have been to Norway, and to Spain; but I have not been outside Europe.
- 你曾经看过下雪吗? Have you ever seen the snowfall?
- 她去过挪威和西班牙,但她没有出过欧洲。 She has been to Norway and Spain,but she has not been outside Europe.
- 有的,我们曾经去过玉山,发现那里真是令人心惊肉跳。 Yes. We've been to Mt. Jade and found it absolutely breath-taking.
- 你曾经试过自己做饰品吗?你可以用你的手和小珠珠做任何东西! Have you ever tried to make your own ornaments? Use your hands and you can DIY anything with just small beads!
- 我去过挪威和西班牙;但我还没有出过欧洲。 I have been to Norway, and to Spain; but I have not been outside Europe.