- 你暑假准备去哪儿? Where is you go for your summer holidays?
- 他暑假准备去北疆游玩。 He plans to travel to the North of Xinjiang in the summer vacation.
- 你暑假期间去过什麽地方吗? Did you go anywhere during the summer vacation?
- 准备 prepare
- 杰克弄得两张锦标决赛的赠券,因此你可以猜到下周六我们准备去哪儿了吧! Jack's gottwo complimentary tickets for the Cup Final, so guess where we're going next Saturday!
- 你暑假有什么打算吗? Have you any plans for the summer recess?
- 暑假 summer vacation
- 杰克弄得两张锦标决赛的赠券,因此你可以猜到下周六我们准备去哪儿了吧! Jack's got two complimentary tickets for the Cup Final, so guess where we're going next Saturday!
- 你暑假打算干什么? What is your plan for the summer vacation?
- 你暑假打算打工吗? Do you plan to find a part time job in the summer?
- 下一步你准备去哪儿? Where are you off to next?
- 你暑假过的愉快吗? Did you enjoy yourself during the summer vacation?
- 你去哪儿? Where are you going?
- 这是你暑假工作过的饭店吗? Is this the restaurant in which you worked during the summer vacation?
- 去哪儿呢? Where can we go?
- 你暑假打算干什么? What's your plan for the summer vacation?
- 我和汤姆准备去度假。 Tom and I are going to have a holiday.
- 去哪儿出差了? Where did you go?
- 你的脸色红润。那么,你暑假一定过得很愉快,是吗? You have a high colour. So you must have much enjoyed yourself during the summer vacation,eh?
- 咱们去哪儿度夏? Where are we going to summer?