- 你晚上睡觉好吗? Dr: Do you sleep soundly at night?
- 保罗问母亲:“等特德叔叔到了以后我再去睡觉好吗?” "Can I stop up until Uncle Ted arrives?"Paul asked his mother.
- 吗 morphine
- 选准枕头为你更好地帮助你,晚上睡觉醒来,让你感觉苏醒, Selecting the right pillow for you may help you sleep better at night and allow you to wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
- 你睡觉好吗? Do you sleep well ?
- 请你晚上把它放在门口,我们会替你擦的。 Put your shoes in front of the door, please.We'll brush them for you.
- 要是你晚上觉得有点恐怖,你可以多开几盏灯。 If you get a litter spook aroud here at night.Lean back ground,put a few lights on.
- 电话铃声响时请你接电话好吗? Will you answer the telephone if it rings?
- 晚上睡觉时我们并不光是渐渐入梦乡,然后又慢慢醒来。 During a night's sleep we do not merely fall into progressively deep sleep and then gradually wake up.
- 工作和睡觉好象就是他的全部人生哲学。 self-indulgence was his only philosophy; my father's philosophy of child-rearing was to let mother do it.
- 你晚上骑车时应当穿浅色的衣服,这样更容易让人看见。 You should wear something light when you're cycling at night so that you're more visible.
- 我们定一下野餐的时间好吗? Shall we fix a date for the picnic?
- 我晚上睡觉总是出汗。 I always sweat at night.
- 克拉拉·埃迪森一直请求我,要请你晚上去她那儿玩牌。 Well,Clara Addison keeps asking me to invite you over for cards some night."
- 没什么事可做,我还是上床睡觉好了。 We may as well have a try and see if it can be done.
- 我猜你晚上留下,对吗? Am I to understand you are staying the night?
- 去休息吧,贝尔图乔,安心去睡觉好了。 Retire within, Bertuccio, and tranquillize your mind.
- 你晚上开车回家要小心啊,因为高速路上肯定会有很多黑冰。 Be careful as you drive home tonight because there are sure to be patches of black ice on the highways.
- 我有话跟你说。我们一起吃午饭好吗? I'd like to talk with you. Can we have lunch together?
- 你不应该在晚上睡觉。 You are not supposed to sleep at night.