- 你是认真的吗?怎么会发生那样的事? How could that kind of thing happen?
- 你是认真的吗?有决心想瘦身吗? Are you serious? Really want to lose weight and improve healthy?
- 底线是:如果你是认真的贵网站你必须先要认真关键字选择。 The bottom line is this: if you are serious about your Web site, you've got to be serious about keyword choice.
- 你是真的要辞职吗?我是认真的。 Do you really want to quit your job? I mean it.
- 你的母语不是北京话吧?(王:不是。)你是长大后才学的吗? Your mother tongues isn't Mandarin, right? (WL: no it's not) You had to learn it as an adult?
- 如果你是认真的,你会越来越贵财富。 If you are serious about increasing your wealth you will too.
- "母亲需要休假。你是知道的,这些孩子们的确让她忙得不可开交了。" "Mother needs a holiday: the children do run her feet, you know."
- 萨拉对他是认真的吗? Is Sarah serious about him?
- 你是认真的还是开玩笑? Are you serious or joking?
- 你是一路跑来的吗? Did you run all the way here?
- 你可记得我们夺回冠军那天晚上,我们是如何欢宴作乐的吗? Do you re member how we pushed the boat out the night that we won back the championship?
- 苏格拉底说他不是一个会说话的人,他是认真的吗? Socrates says he is not at all a clever speaker. Does he really mean this?
- 从那孩子的举动,你便知她是随便拉扯大的,而不是认真教养大的。 The way that child behaves,you'd think she'd been dragged up,not brought up.
- 你是骑自行车来的吗? Did you come by bicycle?
- 你是摩羯座的吗? Are you a Capricorn?
- 如果您是认真的想要征服你的痤疮问题,这篇文章提供了一个很大启。 If you are serious about wanting to conquer your acne problems, this article provides a great starti.
- 你是从收音机听到这消息的吗? Did you hear it on the radio?
- 如果我知道你是认真的,我会给你一记耳光! If I thought you were serious,I would give you a thick ear!
- 真的吗?你真是个打折老手。下次再有打折,一定要让我跟着你。 Really? You're an amazing bargain hunter! Next time there's a sale, promise you'll let me tag along with you.
- 你是新来的吗? Be you new here?