- 你是日本人还是韩国人? Are you from Japan or South Korea?
- 爱丽尔。你是因维德人还是人类对我来说已经无关紧要了。 SCOTT.Ariel. It doesnt matter to me whether you're human or invid.
- 你从日本来吗?或者可能你是韩国人? Are you from Japan? Or maybe you are a Korean.
- 如果我是日本人,我会切腹自杀,让我的内脏流进你骨灰的罐子里。 If I were Japanese I would commit seppuku, spilling my bowel into the jar of your ashes.
- 无论你是亚洲人,美洲人还是欧洲人,都没有关系,我们都是一样的。 It doesn't matter if you are Asian or American or European, we are all the same.
- 我是韩国人。很高兴认识您!我可以看懂一些中国文字。请您讲英文或者韩语。谢谢! I cannot speak Chinese.I can just read some. Please write in English or Korean, please. Thank you.
- 某贸易公司招聘日籍产品经理。要求是日本人,会常用电脑操作。 This is a trade company. We are hunting for Japanese to do product manager. If you are Japanese, and could use computer, you may apply for this position.
- 你们是日本人还是中国人? Are you Japanese or Chinese?
- 此外,受访者最喜爱的外国菜是日本料理,其次是韩国菜。 The respondents' favourite foreign cuisine was Japanese, followed by Korean.
- 你是喜欢与人合作呢还是喜欢单独干? Do you prefer working with others or working by yourself?
- 布莱克先生:这位是昌宇。他是韩国人。 MR. BLAKE: And this is Chang-woo. He's Korean.
- 你是本地人还是只是过客? Are you a native here, or just a visitor?
- 你是日本人吗? Are you Japanese?
- 阿伊努人是日本人的一群,他们有权利延续他们的语言、习俗和传统。 "Ainu people are part of Japanese people. They certainly do have the right to pass on their own language, customs, and traditions."
- 你是吃牛奶长大的呢,还是吃母奶长大的? Were you bottle-fed or breast-fed as a child?
- 生日快乐,亲爱的。你是世上最可爱的人。 Happy birthday, Darling. You are the dearest thing in the world.
- 第一个受影响最深的就是日本。 日本人长期以来对中华文化怀有很高的敬意。 Japan is the first country to have been greatly influenced by Chinese culture, and the people of Japan have, for a long time, accorded it with the deepest awe and respect.
- WCG决赛圈最理想的举办地是哪里?美国还是韩国?你更想去哪里? What is the best place for WCG Finals? USA or Korea? Where would you like to travel more?
- 可是,一个僵局就暂时形成了,加沙人还是和以前一样苦闷。 For the time being, however, a stalemate prevails, with Gazans as glum as before.
- 帝国饭店精益求精的服务,是日本人待客之道的完美体现。 The Imperial experience is Japanese hospitality at its best.