- 你是日本人么? Are you a Japanese?
- 你是日本人吗? Are you Japanese?
- 千夫长就进前来对保罗说,你告诉我,你是罗马人么?保罗说,是的。 And the commander came and said to him, Tell me, are you a Roman? And he said, Yes.
- 如果我是日本人,我会切腹自杀,让我的内脏流进你骨灰的罐子里。 If I were Japanese I would commit seppuku, spilling my bowel into the jar of your ashes.
- 乘客: 你是日本人吗? Are you Japanese?
- 你是什么国籍的?你是美国人么? What's your nationality? Are you American?
- 您知道,我们是日本最大的计算机生产厂家,我们的技术是世界上最先进的。 As you know, we are the biggest manufacturer of computer in Japan and our technology is the most advanced in the world.
- 如果我没记错的话,你是布莱克先生。 Mr. Black, if I'm not mistaken.
- 可以看出,你是一个好人。 It's perceptible that you are a good man.
- 你是日本人还是韩国人? Are you from Japan or South Korea?
- "母亲需要休假。你是知道的,这些孩子们的确让她忙得不可开交了。" "Mother needs a holiday: the children do run her feet, you know."
- 某贸易公司招聘日籍产品经理。要求是日本人,会常用电脑操作。 This is a trade company. We are hunting for Japanese to do product manager. If you are Japanese, and could use computer, you may apply for this position.
- 你是哪国人? What is your nationality?
- 你不正是我们的招聘海报里的人么?但是简历对我来说毫无意义,特别是在街头实战的时候。 Well, aren't you the recruiting poster? Resumes don't mean a lot to me, and they mean absolutely nothing to me on the street.
- 帝国饭店精益求精的服务,是日本人待客之道的完美体现。 The Imperial experience is Japanese hospitality at its best.
- 原来你是来进口中国纺织品的,是么? So you come importing Chinese textiles, do you?
- 阿伊努人是日本人的一群,他们有权利延续他们的语言、习俗和传统。 "Ainu people are part of Japanese people. They certainly do have the right to pass on their own language, customs, and traditions."
- 除了惹人厌的混帐之外,你是这意思么? Besides being an insufferable git, you mean?
- 我是日本人,所以想喝点日本啤酒。 I'm a Japanese and I'd like to have some Japanese beer.
- 原来你是来进口中国纺织品的,是么? So you come importing Chinese textiles, do you?