- 你是怎样做到的? How did you manage to do that?
- 请教他们是怎样做到的。想办法把心思转移到你认为重要的事情上。 Ask them how they did it. Find ways to free up your mental energy for things that are more important to you.
- 我的办公室杂乱无章,然而你的却非常整洁,你是怎样做的? My office is a mess yet yours is always as neat as a new pin; how do you do it?
- 你究竟是怎样做到的? How in creation did you manage to do it?
- 我不知道你是怎样想的,不过我认为这另一家商行是在侵犯我们的利益范围。 I don't know what you think but I consider this other firm is poaching on our preserves.
- 哇,你建了一个漂亮的房子!你是怎么做到的? Wow, you built a beautiful house! How do you do it?
- 你是怎样庆祝结婚周年纪念日的? How did you celebrate your wedding anniversary?
- 你是怎么做到的呢? Q: How did htp you do that?
- 我们去看看做咖啡的机器吧!看看这些咖啡是怎样制成的。 Let's go and look at the machines now and see how it is you make all these coffee people love to drink.
- 你是怎样说服老人听从你的? How did you persuade the old man to go with you?
- 记者:你是怎么做到的? Journalist: How did you make it?
- 如果你愿意听一会儿,我就讲讲防盗警报器是怎样工作的。 If you will lend me your ear for a minute, I will explain how the burglar alarm works.
- 马乔里你是在我们的杂志上读到的,那篇文章还是我写的呢。 Robin: Marjorie, you read that in our magazine and we made it up.
- 你是怎样做水果沙拉的? A: How do you make fruit salad?
- 你是怎样避开那项工作的? How did you wriggle out of doing the job?
- 开灯!当你点击灯泡,它亮了,再点一次又恢复到原来熄灭的状态,这是怎么做到的? Onclick Turn on the light! How you can change an image when you click on it, and back to the original image when you click on it again.
- 你是怎样认识她呢? How did you get to know her?
- 城市画报是怎样做出来的?内幕消息一一曝光。 Exposure of inside news within the City Pictorial: how City Pictorial comes into shape.
- 这条大鱼你是怎样抓到的? Eg. How did you catch the big fish?
- 如果做得到的话,我非常乐意帮你度过难关,只是我的处境与你一样困难。 I should be only too pleased to help you out of your difficulties if I could,but I am in the same boat as you are.