- 你是怎么说服他的? How did you manage to persuade him?
- 吉姆羡慕地望着他,“不过,你是怎么叫她们入迷的,马?” Jim looked at him admiringly. "How d'ye do it, anyway, Mart?"
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的! Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 你怎么说服他借钱给你的? How did you get around him to lend you money?
- 听着!只要你不犯法,我不在乎你是怎么搞到这条信息的。 Look! I don't mind how you get this information, so long as you keep on the right side of the law.
- 她瞪着他。“我不知道你怎么说服他,让他以为你值得他花时间和你呆一块儿的。没准儿你对他下咒。他永远都不可能乐意和你在一起。 She glared. "I don't know how you've convinced him you're worth spending time with. Maybe you've even Confunded him. He'd never spend time with you willingly.
- 你最好去与格林先生当面谈一谈,想必你是误解他的话了。 You'd better go and have a face to face talk with Mr. Green,you must have misunderstood what he said.
- 你是怎么认识他的? A. How did you get to know him? B. How did you get acquainted with him?
- 但他最后不知怎么说服了他妻子买下了那辆车。 But he managed to talk his wife into buying the car somehow.
- 他的话你是怎么理解的? How did you take his remark?
- 人有会惹你发火,可你是不会搭理他的。 Someone will sorely try your patience, but you won't want to answer back.
- 你是怎么把手臂弄瘀青的? How did you bruise your arm?
- "你是说他喝得烂醉?" "就我所知,这不符合他的习惯。" "Blind drunk, did you say?" "That doesn't tie in with what I know of his habits."
- 他还记得,当他们买下这间小屋准备安家的时候,她是怎么好言好语说服他种草莓的。 He remembered how she had cajoled him into planting the strawberries when they had first bought the small house that was to be their home.
- 你是怎么陷入这个困境的? How did you get yourself in this pickle?
- 在辩论中你是赢不了他的。他是个律师。 You can't get the better of him in an argument. He's a lawyer.
- 你是怎么过单身生活的? How are you handling your single life?
- 亨特或许遇见了他梦寐以求的姑娘。但是妈妈一定不知道是怎么回事。 Hunter may have met the girl of his dreams. But Mum mustn't know what's cooking.
- 努力争取吧,约翰!你知道你是可以打败他的。 Go for it, John! You know you can beat him.
- 你是怎么一字不错地背诵这首长诗的? How can you recite such a long poem without even one mistake?