- 你是怎么定义它的? So how do you define it?
- 你曾经提出了一个概念叫“视触觉”,你是怎么思考的?它的外延和内涵又怎么确定。 You once brought up a concept called "visual sense of touch". What are your thoughts on that? How do you determine its outer extensions and inner meanings?
- 你是怎么定义懒惰的呢? How do you define laziness?
- 听着!只要你不犯法,我不在乎你是怎么搞到这条信息的。 Look! I don't mind how you get this information, so long as you keep on the right side of the law.
- UDDI 注册中心定义了许多tModel,这些tModel用于定义它的核心服务。 The UDDI registry defines a number of tModels to define its core services.
- 但“神童”到底是怎么定义的? But what exactly is a child prodigy?
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的! Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 如果你是某个俱乐部的成员,你必须遵守它的规章制度。 If you are a member of a club, you must conform to the rules of that club.
- 问:神童是怎么定义的? Q: Who is a child prodigy?
- 我想你的健康状况同这个有很大关系,我们该怎么定义呢? 该叫它“生活方式”吧? 还是“习惯”呢? I think your condition has a lot to do with... What shall we call it? Way of life? Habbits?
- 一旦经历过那样不愉快的感恩节晚餐,你是很难会喜欢它的。 It's very difficult to appreciate a Thanksgiving dinner once you've seen it in reverse.
- 你是怎么把手臂弄瘀青的? How did you bruise your arm?
- 你是怎么陷入这个困境的? How did you get yourself in this pickle?
- 我们想知道你是怎么杀死它的。 "We want to know how you did it."
- 你是怎么过单身生活的? How are you handling your single life?
- 你是怎么一字不错地背诵这首长诗的? How can you recite such a long poem without even one mistake?
- 你是怎么拦住我的扣球的? How did you block my spike?
- 你是怎么使这机器运转的? How do you make this machine work?
- 你是怎么保持皮肤的细腻的? How did you managed to keep your skin creamy?
- 哦,你是怎么做的?! Oh, how did you do it?