- 你是已婚还是未婚? Are you married or single?
- 有时,在美国商业中Ms被用在不知道对方是已婚还是单身女士的情况下。 For some time, businessmen in the United States have used Ms before a woman's name when they do not know whether the woman is married or not.
- 并没有说明被修饰的男人是已婚还是单身。 Miss.The word Mr does not tell us whether or not a man is married.
- 你是已婚人士,即使独力支付子女的生活费,亦不可享有单亲免税额。 No. A married person is not entitled to single parent allowance even though he she was the sole contributor to maintain the children.
- 读到这里,如果你是已婚男同性恋者,假如有这样的情况的话,你认为自己处在哪个阶段呢? If you are a married gay man reading this, at what stage do you think you are, if any?
- 你是猪 you are a pig
- 已婚还是单身?你结婚了么? Are you married or single? Have you got married?
- 如果我没记错的话,你是布莱克先生。 Mr. Black, if I'm not mistaken.
- 单身生活;性和独身少女;单身妈妈或爸爸;你已婚还是单身? unmarried life; sex and the single girl; single parenthood; are you married or single?
- 你是我的阳光 You Are My Sunshine
- 感情上易犯桃花,尤其是已婚者。未婚者则要提防爱上有夫之妇或有妇之夫。 People who are already married will have a lot of opportunities for romance. Unwed people have to be wary of falling in love with those who are married.
- 你是个废物/混球! You're a jerk!
- 他们是已婚夫妇。 They are a married couple.
- "母亲需要休假。你是知道的,这些孩子们的确让她忙得不可开交了。" "Mother needs a holiday: the children do run her feet, you know."
- 你是拥有这幢房子还是租住的? Do you own the house or are you a tenant?
- 感情运:感情上易犯桃花,尤其是已婚者。未婚者则要提防爱上有夫之妇或有妇之夫。 Love life: People who are already married will have a lot of opportunities for romance. Unwed people have to be wary of falling in love with those who are married.
- 如果这些男性是已婚的,他们的妻子几乎得不到法律的保护。 If those men are married,their wives have little protection under the law.
- 你是用的麻醉气还是打的麻醉针? Did you have gas or an injection?
- 你是刷卡还是付现金? You pay credit card or pay cash?
- 你是做什么事情的?我是一名学生。 What are you? I am a student.