- 你接受我的计划吗? Do you agree to my plan?
- 吸烟对你身体有害,你知道抽烟太多容易患支气管炎,你最好戒烟。你接受我的劝告吗? Smoking is bad for your health. Smoke too much is predisposed to bronchitis, you know. Better stop smoking.Will you take my advice?
- 谢谢你接受我的采访。很高兴能认识你。希望我们下一次的比赛你还会来参加。 Thank you for the interview Melody. It was a pleasure to meet you and we all hope to see you again in our next tournament.
- 你同意我的计划吗? Do you agree to my plan?
- 这种只谈你的儿时的话题对我来说是一堆废话。我的童年时代可没有给我留下美好的回忆。 All this talk of the happiest days of your life is bunkum to me. I have no happy memories of my childhood.
- 你和你的主管、同事、业务伙伴以及下属职员一起测试过你的计划吗? Have you tested your plan with your Mgr., Peers, business partners, and support staff?
- 那你接受我的邀请了? Do you accept my invitation?
- 起初委员会不同意接受我的计划,但后来他们决定议一议。 At first our committee didn't want to accept my plan, but later they decided to kick it around for a while.
- 赵:你对你的节目有什么新的计划吗? Zhao:Do you have any new plan for the program?
- 我不想诱使你接受我的观点。 I don't want to cajole you into receiving my view.
- 在这困难的时刻请你接受我最深切的同情。 You have my deepest sympathy at this difficult time.
- 你反对我的计划吗? Do you have any objection to my plan?
- 请接受我的道歉,这一定是印错,让我立刻通知会计部。 A: Please accept my apologies. It must be a misprint. Let me call the accounts department right away.
- 你能说服领导接受你的计划吗? Can you sell the chief on your plan?
- 我并不要诱你接受我的看法。 I am not going to cajole you into the reception of my view
- 很抱歉这么晚来打扰你,但我的车撞到篱笆墙了,我得打电话给修理厂。 I'm sorry to inflict myself on you so late, but my ear ran into the fence and I must telephone the garage.
- 这一耽搁已对我的计划造成一些妨碍。 This delay has caused some hindrance to my plans.
- 你认为我们应该制定一个减肥的计划吗? Do you think we should work out a plan to keep fit?
- 在春暖花开的五月,请接受我的诚挚问候,并祝贵公司日益繁荣! Please accept my sincere greetings to you. Wish your company a prosperous future!
- 达:我爱你,强烈地爱着你。请你接受我吧。 Ilove you.Most ardently.'lease do me the honour of accepting my hand.