- 他把照相机卖给了我。 He sold me his camera.
- 你把这台电视机租给我行吗? Will you rent me this television?
- 先生, 请把球还给我行吗? Please mister, can I have my ball back?
- 你把书看完后还给我好吗?我自己还没看呢。 When you've read the book,will you pass it back to me? I haven't read it myself.
- 你踩著我的手了,请你把脚抬一下行吗? Would you mind taking your foot off my hand?
- 卖给我这架照相机的家伙欺骗了我。它远远没有他说的那样好。 The man who sold me this camera took me for a ride. It's nowhere hear as good as he said it was.
- 你把照相机拿颠倒了。 You're holding the camera the wrong way up!
- 如果你把照相机忘在公园的长椅上,就别抱希望找到。 If you leave your camera on a park bench,you can kiss it goodbye.
- 卖给我这件东西的那个人嘱咐我给它上点油。 The man from whom I bought it told me to oil it.
- 我们想用卖羊毛的钱来偿还猪肉的货款,你看这样做行吗? Is it possible for us to sell our wool as payment for your pork?
- 你把照相机寄放在办事员处了吗? Have you checked your camera with the clerk?
- 每次我来这儿,他们都试图卖给我一些更贵的东西。 Every time I come in here they try to sell me something more expensive.
- 麻烦你把椅子挪一挪行吗? May I trouble you to move your chair a bit?
- 那人说那支钢笔值十英镑,但作为特别优惠,他愿八英镑卖给我。 The man said that the pen was worth %2410,but as a special favour,he would let me have it for %248.
- 你借给我五镑钱行吗? Can you lend me five quid?
- 你把我大衣上那个撕破的口子缝起来了吗? Have you sewn up the tear in my coat?
- 你能卖给我盘尼西林吗? Can you sell me Penicillin?
- 请你把衣服收拾起来行吗? Can you tidy away your clothes, please?
- 行。干吗不把上衣脱掉呢?随便一点好了,让我替你把上衣挂起来。 Ok, Why not take off your coat Just make yourself at home. Now, let me hang this coat for you.
- 售货员把书卖给我。 The seller sold the books to me.