- 你打算在这儿呆多久? How long are you planning to stay here?
- 谢谢,请稍等一下。我们给你安排的房间在二楼,你打算在这住多久? Thank you. Wait a minute, please. We have a room for you on the second floor. How long will you be staying here?
- 无论你在这儿呆多久 no matter how long soever you stay here
- 如果我理解正确的话,您打算在这儿呆几个月了? If I understand you rightly, you're going to stay a couple of months here?
- 你打算在哪里写下所有这些,以致你能温习和经常修改你的计划? Where are you going to write all of this down so you can review and revise your plans regularly?
- 如果被雇佣,你打算在这家公司呆多久? How long do you plan to stay with this company, if hired?
- 我想你说过你妈妈只在这儿呆一个星期。她带的行李物品未免太多了吧。 I thought you said your mother was only coming for a week. She's got enough luggage there to sink a battleship.
- 你打算在图书馆做什么? What are you going to do in the library?
- 哎,这段时间我只得呆在这儿了。 Well, I'm stuck here for the duration.
- 你打算在暑假做兼职吗? Do you intend to find a part-time job in the summer vacation?
- 你打算在大学学些什么专业? What subjects are you going to take at the university?
- 别慌,亨利!我在这儿呢!我永远和你在一起。 Steady, Henry! I'm here; I'm with you till the cows come home.
- 格伦:太棒了!你在渥太华能呆多久? Glen: Fantastic. How long are you staying in Ottawa?
- 你打算在美国永久定居吗? Will you settle down permanently in America?
- 图书馆还没有开门,所以我只得在这儿呆等。 The library hasn't opened yet, so I have to hang about here.
- 你打算在这里再待上一年吗? Do you plan on staying here another year?
- 你想呆多久都可以。 You can stay as long as you like.
- "你他妈的是谁?" 他粗暴地问道。 "你为何在这儿闲荡?" "And who the devil may you be?" he asked truculently. "What are you doing, hanging about here?"
- 我想在这儿呆到圣诞节。 I'd like to stay here up until Christmas.
- 你在这里会呆多久? How long will you be here?