- 你打完了吗?我要打个电话。马上就完。我在跟我姐姐说话呢。 Can you get off the phone? I have to make a call. Just a minute. I'm talking to my sister.
- 好。你把其余的打完了就告诉我,好吗? Good. Tell me when you have done the others,will you?
- “我和我的同伴们一起打完了第一个完整的赛季,我乐在其中。” I finished my first full session back with the lads and I am glad to be back enjoying it.
- 你打中了吗? Did you hit it?
- 只有第三排的座位,其余都打完了。 Everything's booked except the third row of the dress circle.
- 完了 have had it
- 你打霍乱预防针了吗? Have you had your cholera jabs yet?
- 啊,对了,我从苏格兰给你打过电话,打到罗依说你住的那家旅馆, By the way, I telephoned you from Scotland to the hotel where Roy told me you were staying
- 打完电话别忘了把话筒放回听筒架上。 Remember to put the telephone back in the cradle when you've finished.
- 他们把货物装完了吗? Have they finished loading up yet?
- 你打听过开往纽约的列车班次的时间吗? Did you enquire about the times of the trains to New York?
- 你这是刚打完鱼回来? Are you back from a fishing trip?
- 礼拜做完了吗? Is church over yet?
- 你打了这么长时间的太极拳,感觉如何? How do you feel after doing it for so long?
- 这一盘打完后我必须走了。 I'll have to leave after this hand.
- 你信写完了吗? Are you through with your letter?
- 你打错了。这里是北京的62354973。 You've got the wrong number. This is Beijing 62354973.
- 她用比标准杆数少三杆打完该场. She went round the course in three below (ie three strokes less than) par.
- 报告起草完了吗? Have you drafted the report?
- 那是因为你打定了主意要做叫人看不起的事。 It's because you have made up your mind to do something despicable.