- 你打中了吗? Did you hit it?
- 嘿,呃。谁知道那是什么东西。你打中它时没准会出什么漏子。 Hey, uh, who knows what that thing was. It might have blown up when you hit it.
- 那黑人脸上挂着淫荡的微笑,朝着马车跑来,她就对他开了枪,打中了没有,根本不知道。 As the negro came running to the buggy, his black face twisted in a leering grin, she fired point-blank at him.
- 你打中了吗? Did you hit it?
- 大学已简单地向强制性的技术潮流俯首称臣从而避免湮没于20世纪的尘埃中了吗? Have colleges simply succumbed to the mandatory technology trend to avoid being buried in the dust of the 20th century?
- 你打完了吗?我要打个电话。马上就完。我在跟我姐姐说话呢。 Can you get off the phone? I have to make a call. Just a minute. I'm talking to my sister.
- 目标被打中了。 The goal has been scored.
- 利巴拉里安:先生,你难道没有在这个书房变得更舒服了吗? Librarian: Sir, wouldn't you be more comfortable in a study room?
- 一枪就打中了目标 hit the target with a single shot
- 你打霍乱预防针了吗? Have you had your cholera jabs yet?
- 我打中了,我的球拍框碰到球啦。 I didn't miss it. The frame of my racket touched it.
- 哼,除了念念书,你就什么也不会了。大主教,你看懂了吗? Yes, reading is about all you are fit for. Can you make it out, Archbishop?
- 不要碰我,当心我把你打倒在地。 Keep your hands off me; or I'll knock you down.
- 但当铁饼最后掉落时,打中了他的头部。 But when the discus finally fell, it struck him on the head.
- 好消息就是,医生说:你看到那边那个人了吗?他想买你的鞋子。 The good news is, said the doctor, see that man over there, he wants to buy your shoes.
- 他的头被打中了,流了很多血。 He was hit on the head,blood surged out.
- 你先开枪,我等你打不中时再来结果它。 You shoot first,I'll stand by and wipe your eye.
- 你自己看:一项精密的机械装置割开你眼角膜的一小片,看到了吗? See for yourself: A precision mechanical device slices a flap in your cornea, see?
- 凡是球被打中了,但没有落在界内,都叫界外球。 Any ball that is hit but doesn't land within the limits of the playing field is a foul balf.
- 你看到加里新买的那辆菲拉里牌汽车了吗?真是太不寻常了。 Have you seen the new Ferrari that Gary has bought? It's quite something.