- 你房间里有酒吗? You got any juice in your room?
- 你的房间里有架钢琴,你可以尽情地弹奏。 There is a piano in your room,and you can play it to your heart's content.
- 酒窖里有酒吗? Isn't there some wine in the cellar?
- 把你房间整理好,否则你将承担一切后果。 Tidy up your room, or else.
- 我给你房间涂的油漆有什么污点吗? Any points in my painting the room for you?
- 如果你听到你的房间里有个夜贼,你会怎么办? What would you do if you heard a burglar in your house?
- 家里有酒吗? Isn't there any drink in the house?
- 我不得不说,从你房间弄出来的噪音令我彻夜难眠。 I'm sorry to have to say this, but the noise from your room kept me awake all night.
- 酒窖里(还)有酒吗? Isn't there some (more) wine in the cellar?
- 既然一位女士已到你家门口了,为什么不邀请她到你房间小坐一会儿? Why don't you invite a lady to enjoy a short stay in your apartment since she's already there?
- 这家旅馆的房间里有股蟑螂的味道。 The rooms in this hotel savour of a whiff of roach.
- 天堂里有没有酒歌癫狂? Is There Amazing Liquor and Songs in Heaven?
- 你能否告诉我这个蜂巢里有多少蜜蜂? Can you tell me how many bees there are in the hive?
- 酒窖里(还)有酒吗? Isn't there some (more) wine in the cellar?
- 房间里所有的家具上都有许多雕刻。 All the furniture in the room had much carving.
- 你有什么东西要报关吗?有酒,有香水或是丝绸吗? Have you anything to declare? Any wines, perfumes, silks?
- 房间里有六个人。 There are six people in the room.
- 房间里有一些箱子。 There are some boxes in the room.
- 你有什么东西要报关吗?有酒,有香水或是丝绸吗? Have you anything to declare? Any wines, perfumes, silks?
- 房间里有一把山胡桃木椅子。 There is a hickory chair in the room.