- 你懂西班牙语吗? Do you understand Spain?
- 乔布因为懂西班牙语而比他母亲占有优势。 Job had an advantage over his mother in that he knew Spanish.
- 你还坚持说西班牙语吗? Do you still keep up your Spanish?
- 他们当中有几个人懂西班牙语。 A few of them know Spanish.
- 你会说西班牙语吗? Do you speak Spanish?
- 你懂了吗? You dig?
- 这里有人说西班牙语吗? Do you know somebody here who speaks Spanish?
- 你懂吧? You understand?
- 你好吗? How are you?
- 你懂最多 Phil Harrison yeah you know best Harrison
- 你会说西班牙语吗? Can you talk Spanish?
- 你懂不懂什么叫? Yes, you teach philosophy, but do you know logical positivism?
- 你知道吗 did you know
- 你仍在学西班牙语吗? Do you still keep up your Spanish?
- 礼貌是非常重要的。如果你懂礼貌,你总是与人为善,乐于助人 Good manners are very important. If you have good manners, you are always kind ang helpful to orther
- 你还记得我吗? Do you remember me?
- 你懂公路上的交通? Do you understand the highway code?
- 你知道吗? Did you know?
- 塞:这不可能。不,这不会发生...我必须赶快完成最后一件事。请容我离去,再会!(西班牙语吗? Zead: It cannot be. No, that is not possible... I must make haste to complete the final touches. I beg your leave. Adieu.
- 只愿你懂(英文) Just So You Know