- 你感冒好了吗? Have gotten over your cold?
- 你的感冒好了吗? Have you got over your cold yet?
- 这种高烧感冒好得慢,正当你以为病已好了的时候,它常又有反复。 This kind of feverish cold is slow to cure; it often kicks back just when you think you're better.
- 你丈夫服药后感冒好了吗? Did your husband manage to fight off his cold by taking medicine?
- 你感冒了吗? Are you suffering from a cold now ?
- 医生会做诊断你感冒了,也许你的肺部感染了细菌,然后医生就会给你开出药方。 And your doctor there would say: "Oh. You have a cold." Maybe you have some bacteria in your lungs. And so they'll give you a prescription.
- 很有可能你感冒了。 It is most likely that you have caught a cold.
- 感冒好了吗? Do you get over your cold?
- 游泳后给自己适当按摩,我可不愿见你感冒。 Rub yourself down properly after your swin;I won't have you catch a cold.
- 你头痛好了吗? Has your headache gone yet?
- 我很抱歉听到你感冒的消息 I was very sorry to hear the news that you caught a cold.
- 你的感冒好了没有? Have you got over your cold yet?
- 好消息就是,医生说:你看到那边那个人了吗?他想买你的鞋子。 The good news is, said the doctor, see that man over there, he wants to buy your shoes.
- 我的感冒好多了,就是呼吸时还有点声音。 My cold's a lot better but I'm still a bit wheezy.
- 你的行李捆扎好了吗? Have you swaddled your luggage?
- 我这回感冒好长时间了还没好透。 It’s taking me a long time to shake off this cold.
- 我感冒好多了,但是肚子疼,还拉 My cold is much better, but I've now got a pain in the stomach and diarrhoea.
- 你把水壶放好了吗? Did you put the kettle on?
- 晚餐好了吗? Is dinner ready?
- 那些药丸真神,感冒好了。 Those pills worked wonders; the cold had gone.