- 你想说什么?一个化妆舞会。 What can you say?" "A mask. "
- 约翰和我都不明白你想说什么。 Neither John nor I see the point you are trying to make.
- 你想说什么?这里没人,有话请说吧。 What do you want to say? There is nobody here,fire away.
- 我不了解你想说什么? I do not understand what you are getting at.
- "你想说什么? "Cupid appeared,"what is it?
- 那么,你想说的是 ... So what you are trying to say is ...
- 我不想说什么。 I'm not saying.
- 记住!永远说你想说的话。 Remember to always say what you mean.
- 你想说什麽就说什麽。 You may say what you please.
- 你想叫我说什么? ROGER FEDERER: What do you want me to say?
- 她想说什么? What is she trying to suggest?
- 楼上你说啥?你想说这游戏是给狭隘的、路西华教的、没有语言技能的蛮子玩的吗? So, are you trying to say that this game is only for narrow-minded luciferians with no grammar skills?
- 你想讲什么?爽快地说吧! What are you going to say? Spit it out!
- 我知道我想说什么,但我觉得难以表达清楚。 I know what I want to say but I have difficulty in putting it across.
- 你想说有一台计算机在书桌上,应怎样说 There is a computer on the desk. B. There is a desk on the computer.
- 好,卓尔?你想要说什么? Yes, drow? What is it you want?
- 亲爱的,如果你想说的话,我能说不听吗? As you wish to tell me, my dear, I doubt I have any choice in the matter.
- 他想说什么,但哽住了,什么话都说不出来。 He tried to say something, but gulped, and no words came.
- 安东尼奥,你想要说什么吗。 Do you wish to say anything, Antonio?
- 我在讲话时你别插话。等会儿你再说你想说的话。 Don't cut in while I'm talking. You can say what you want later.