- 你想要什么东西吗? Do you want anything?
- 你想要什么东西吗? Do you want anything?
- 请明确地告诉我你想要什么? Tell me precisely what do you want?
- 你想要些特别的东西吗? Saleswoman: Are you looking for something in particular?
- 我知道你想要什么。 I know what you want.
- 她想要什么东西? What does she want ?
- 你想要吃什么? What would you like to eat?
- 你想要些番茄汁吗? Would you like some tomato juice?
- 她想要什么东西,只要开一下口就行了。 If she wants anything, she need only ask.
- 你能说出你想要的花吗? Will you designate the flowers you wish?
- 你认为中国人和美国人想要同样的东西吗? I have a serious problem., Do you think Chinese people and American people want the same things?
- 老爷,你想要什么? What will you, master?
- 我爸爸常说: “想要什么东西,自己挣钱买。” My dad used to say,"If you want something,work for it."
- 你想要杯巧克力饮料吗? Would you like a cup of chocolate?
- 你想要什么风味? What flavors do you have?
- 难怪你这么节俭, 你想要我投资一些钱吗? No wonder you are so frugal. Would you like me to invest some money?
- [口]你想要什么? What is your pleasure?
- 你想要什么样的的东西? What is the nature of your demand?
- 你想要再安排见面时间吗? Would you like to reschedule the appointment?
- 你想要什么,宝贝儿? What do you want, sweetie?