- 你想要一些吗? Will you like to take some?
- 一瓶茅台。你想要一些谷类吗? A bottle of Mao Tai. Do you like to have anything as cereals?
- 你想要一些煎肉或火腿加在鸡蛋上吗? Would you like some bacon or ham with your eggs?
- 想要 be desirous to
- 好的。你想要一些喝的吗?可乐怎么样? OK. Would you like some drink? How about coke?
- 你想要吃什么? What would you like to eat?
- 不能设想,在一个晴朗的早上,你想要的财宝会统统自动来到你身边。 It must not be imagined that one fine morning all the treasures you want will come to you of their own free will.
- 你想要 Do you want to
- 你想要一些冰茶吗? Do you want some iced tea?
- 你想要些什么? Do you want something?
- 你想要喝一杯可可吗? Would you like to have a cup of cocoa?
- 请明确地告诉我你想要什么? Tell me precisely what do you want?
- 珍:你想要一些蓝莓吗? Jean:Do you want some blueberries?
- 我知道你想要什么。 I know what you want.
- 选择你想要的书。 Select the book you want.
- 你想要些什么? Do you want something?
- 是的,我想要一些热狗,爆玉米花和桔子汁,你有足够的钱吗? Yes, I would like some hot dogs, pop corn and orange juice.Have you got enough money?
- 打扰一下,我想要一些土豆回去烤,你这儿有吗? Excuse me? I'd like some baking potatoes. Do you have any baking potatoes?
- 你想要什么东西吗? Do you want anything?
- 你想要什么东西吗? Do you want anything?