- 我们的信息系统中有该公司的情况,王小姐。你想知道些什么? We do have the company listed in our information system, Miss Wang. What information are you interested in?
- 你想知道些什么? What do you want to know about?
- 马克:你想知道些什么? Mark:What do you want know about?
- 您想知道些什么呢? Now, what exactly would you like to know?
- 你想要些什么? Do you want something?
- 我宁死也不会把你想知道的事告诉你。 I will die before I tell you what you want to know.
- 你想知道什么? Is there anything you'd like to know?
- 有关二十世纪的事你知道些什么? What do you know about the twentieth century?
- 你想知道一些有趣的事吗? Do you want to know something interesting?
- 请问起飞后你想喝些什么? What do you want for drinks after take-off?
- 当你想知道字典的价钱,问 Have you got a dictionary? B. How much is the dictionary?
- 关于第十世纪你知道些什么? What do you know about the tenth century?
- 真的,你想知道什么呢? Sure, what did you want to know?
- 当你想知道别人是否有钢琴时,问 Have you got a dictionary? B. Have you got a piano? C. May I use your piano?
- 有关美国的事你知道些什么? What do you know about the United States?
- 你想知道是什么引起街上的事故吗? Do you want to know what was back of the accident in the street?
- 你想知道你的打球技巧中,哪一部分是我最欣赏的吗? Do you want to know what part of the way you played that I admire most?
- 你知道些什么嘛,小个子? Do you know something about this, small person?
- 当然.你想知道什么? Attendant: Sure. What do you need to know?
- 关于他,你知道些什么? What do you know about him ?