- 你想用我做什么? What do you want with me?
- 约翰你想让我做什么我都会做。你想让我放你离开这里,看看你能走到多远吗? What do you want me to do John? I'll do it. You want me to let you walk out of here and see how far you get?
- 假设你想做关于电现象的实验,你想用什么材料呢? Supposing you want to experiment with electricity,what materials would you use?
- 你想用我的自行车吗? Do you want to make use of my bicycle?
- 你想要我做什么? What do you want me to do?
- 我想用我搜集的邮票换你的模型船。 I'll trade you my stamp collection for your model boat.
- 你难道不知道吗?我做什么事都能取得成功。 Do not you know that I succeed in whatever I try ?
- 你想用这张底片印几张? How many copies do you want to print from the negative?
- 你用我的小刀做什么了? What do you do with my pocket knife?
- 你想要我做什么? What do you desire me to do?
- 我并不想用我的意见来反对你的意见。 I don't mean to set up my opinion against yours.
- 你想用它干什么? What do you want it for?
- 只要你不出卖我,要我做什么我都愿意。 As long as you don't betray me, I'll do whatever you ask me to (do).
- 我不想用我的意见来反对你的。 I don't mean to set up my opinion against yours.
- 明年夏天你想做什么? What do you expect to do next summer?
- 我想用我的邮票换你的。 I'll trade you my stamp collection for yours.
- 劳拉:真是荒谬。拖反是用来做什么的?还有,我做的饭哪儿不好? Laura: That's ridiculous. What's a mop for? and what's wrong with my cooking?
- 你想用这张底片印几张照片? How many copies would you like to print from the negative?
- 你想我该做什么? What would you reckon I should do?
- 你要我做什么才能使你认清情况的紧急呀? What do I have to do to bring home to you the urgency of the situation?