- 你想干研究工作么? Do you want a research career?
- 如果你想干这份工作就必须愿意少拿薪水。 If you want the job, you must be prepared to take a drop in salary.
- 想 to think
- 你认为他不满意现在的工作么? Do you think he's unhappy over admissions?
- 你想干我吗? Do you wanna fuck me?
- 他能找到工作么? Can he find a job?
- 你想 Would you
- 乔纳森总是循规蹈矩:我怀疑他是否让你干你想干的事情。 Jonathan always goes by the book: I doubt if he will let you do what you want.
- 他能找到工作么? Can he find a job?
- 你是说同事们不配合你的工作么? Does that mean your coworkers are not supporting u?
- 你想干吗? What are you up to?
- 你想要吃什么? What would you like to eat?
- 有人一直盯着我,你认为我能全神贯注地工作么? Someone keeps staring at me. Do you think I can concentrate on my work?
- 你想干什么? What would you like to do?
- 你有自信能做好这份工作么?有信心在船上工作好么?为什么? Are you confident to take this job? Do you have confidence to work onboard?
- 你想要 Do you want to
- 明天你想干什么? What are you going to do tomorrow?
- 你知道他想干什么吗? Have you any idea of what he is up to?
- 下课以后你想干什么? What do you want to do after class?
- 你想干什么?你在喝我的啤酒。 What's the big idea? That's my beer you're drinking.