- 你想在乡村生活吗? Would you like to live in the countryside?
- 我听说天母公园近旁有一家意大利餐馆,你想在那里吃吗? I know a good Italian restaurant near Tien Mou Park. Would you like to eat there?
- 假使你想在谈判中取得一些进展,我劝你还是保持冷静为好。 I should advise you to play it cool if you wish to make any progress in the negotiation.
- 你想在面包上放些果子冻吗? Do you want to put some jelly on the bread?
- 我讨厌每天在交通高峰期来回上班下班,我想在乡村购买一幢小别墅,静静生活以摆脱这一切。 I'm tried of traveling in and out to work every day in the rush fid like to buy--a cottage in die country and gel away from it all.
- 你从来都没有对你在做的事产生动摇吗?没有想过,也许会有不同的生活吗? Do you ever have doubts about what you're doing? Do you ever think what a different life might have been like?
- 你想在你的有生之年就呆在这里吗? Do you want to stick on here for the rest of your life?
- 你想在茶里放几块糖? How many lumps of sugar would you like in your tea?
- 如果你想在这种天气去航海,你将冒生命危险。 You'll be risking your neck if you go sailing in this weather.
- 你想在游泳池里小游一会儿吗? Would you like to take a dip in the pool?
- 如果你想在你的工作中取得成绩的话,你一定要有所改进。 You'll have to mend your ways if you want to be successful in your job.
- 你想在这家公司工作吗? Would you like to join that company?
- 如果你想在自己房间里抽烟,谁能禁止你呢? If you want to smoke in your own room, who can say you nay?
- 你想在中国拓展你的品牌吗? Do you want to expand your brand in China?
- 你想改变你在地球上的生活并且永远地活在天国之家里吗? Want to better your life on Earth and to live forever in Heaven?
- 你想在哪儿吃饭? Where would you like to have dinner?
- 你想在哪儿见面? Where do you want to meet?
- 你想在这部电影中说明什么样的社会问题? AW: What kind of social commentary did you want to make with this film?
- 你们想在自己的生活里注入一切痛苦吗?只是因为你能做到? Did you want to inject as much misery in our lives as you can,just because you can?
- 你想不想在大西洋版留言? Would you like to leave a message on the Atlantic Board?