- 你想叫甜点吗? Would you like to order dessert?
- 您现在要叫甜点了吗? Do you want to order dessert now?
- 如果你想叫那些囚犯好好干活,胡萝卜加大棒缺一不可。 If you want the prison birds to do their best, you have to use both the carrot and the stick.
- 想 to think
- 吗 morphine
- 你想叫你的主人鞭打你一顿吗? Do you want to be hickoried by your master?
- 要甜点吗? Any dessert?
- 如果你想叫我们跟你合作,那你非把内心的打算和盘托出不可。 If you want our cooperation, you are going to have to set(all) your cards on the table.
- 你们有甜点吗? Do you have any desserts?
- 你想叫我说什么? ROGER FEDERER: What do you want me to say?
- 您要点甜点吗? Would you care for some dessert?
- 你想叫维克托跟你确定关系,那是绝对办不到的。他简直比花花公子还要花哪! You'll never get Victor to go steady with you. He's too much of a Casanova.
- "你想喝点什么?" "噢,只要一杯水。" "What will you have?" Oh, just give one on the city.
- 你要些甜点吗? Would you like to have some dessert?
- 你想叫我走,为什麽拐弯抹角而不直说? If you wanted me to go why didn't you say so in plain English instead of making vague hints?
- 您要甜点吗? Would you like any dessert??
- 你想发航空信吗? Do you want to airmail it or not?
- 要一些甜点吗? Would you like to have some dessert?
- 你想叫我走,为什么拐弯抹角而不用平直的英语? If you wanted me to go why did not you say so in plain English instead of making vague hints ?
- 小姐,上甜点吗? Would you like some dessert now, miss?